

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


So about 6 months ago i made a promo video for my 'Youtube Shop' which is basically an etsy(but im not going to pay to list my items on etsy) so i created a website that i will sell items. Well in order for you to buy items,  i need a google ad-sense account, THUS i need a checking account to deposit the money into. HOWEVER, the only person that can set up a checking account is my Dad, and well, he hasn't gotten around to it yet.
   Hopefully in the next two weeks we will have set up a checking account, and then i can start selling items including necklaces, clay food, pillows, and maybe even clothing. I'm hesitant about selling clothing because my sewing machine always screws up when it's sewing, and i don't want to sell doll clothing with bad stitching.
   So hopefully my Youtube Shop will be up and running in the next few weeks! :D

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