

Saturday, August 20, 2016

I'm Back!!

It's weird that I stopped making videos like 3 years ago, when I started high school.  Around May, I realized that I really missed making doll videos, and all the friends I've made, so thus I'M BACK!!

My friend AGSidewalkChalk and I are in the works of planning what will be the biggest and most exciting AG series I've ever made.  There will be more details once the trailer is released, and we start filming on Wednesday!  It's a wonderful, hilarious, heartbreaking, thrilling, and on-the-edge of your seat type of series that centers on two sisters.  I've always loved making trailers and series, and this will definitely be the best yet ;D

Aside from the series, I'm working on a stopmotion at the moment.  I finished writing earlier, so I'd like to have it up within the next 9 days.

School starts September 7th, so I'm trying to make as many videos as possible. After school starts, I will mostly be uploading on weekends ;)

Also, I recently made an instagram that I'm very active on, so if you have an AGIG, follow me @americangirlmegan11

I'm so glad to be back, and I so look forward to making more videos!


1 comment:

  1. Please comment on my blog:
    I see you are active on Instagram a lot more than here
